03.07.24First Commercial Committee of Fagor Multimedia Solutions

One of the most important challenges of a company like Fagor Multimedia Solutions, born a few months ago after the acquisition of Triax Digital Solutions by Fagor Electrónica, is to build a shared corporate culture. Hence the relevance of events such as the one we have shared this week with the entire commercial network of the company to review the evolution of these first months in the market, align work dynamics and, above all, focus on the future.
To this end, we worked side by side for two days. The first one took place at our headquarters in Arrasate-Mondragón, and in it, in addition to giving a review of the business challenges of this year 2024, we have made a sharing, led by Anaitz Goia and Bego Maite Jiménez -from the business development and digital strategy team- on the strategy of Fagor Multimedia Solutions to deepen the strategic multimedia projects, in relevant sectors for the development of our company, such as the hotel or socio-health, among others.
In a second day held at the headquarters of Astigarraga, our R & D team, with @Jesús Gómez Río at the head, has presented to the commercial network the joint catalog that we are developing, as well as innovation projects in which this department is working. #digitalización #electrónica #telecomunicaciones #multimedia #fagor #mondragon #innovación